

HOST SALLY JAMES: Hello and welcome to Toyah. I'm glad we're going right in close on you (on the camera). Incredible makeup you're wearing

TOYAH: Oh yes, it's my cement for today

SALLY: You look very different actually in the video earlier, from the new single (“Thunder In The Mountains”)

TOYAH: Yes, it's based in the future. I took the ideas from sort of Aztec combined with Boadicea (Boudica). The big hair, doing everything with the bow and arrow and all that rubbish

How did you get your hair completely to stick out like that? Was it sort of five cans of hair lacquer?

TOYAH: I had great big wig. I have my real hair underneath and an enormous wig on the back. It looked like a flying saucer had landed on the head in certain places, and that's how we did it. It was just sprayed solid with lacquer so when I was on the chariot it wouldn't blow off. It was great

SALLY: Where you get these ideas from?

TOYAH: The chariot idea came from the people who made the video. Kevin Godley and Lol Creme from 10CC who I always make videos with because they're two great guys

SALLY: Yeah, it looked amazing. (I was ) just mentioning about your makeup. You've got your own makeup?

TOYAH: The makeup range is the cheapest range on the market. I aimed it purely for teenagers to play with. It's an experiment because I want to bring out things such as stick on tattoos and body paints and things like that. It's purely fun

SALLY: All sort of gold and things?

TOYAH: Oh, yes, but I'm not a designer or anything like that

SALLY: It's just an experiment?

TOYAH: It's another branch out

SALLY: A fan of yours - his name is Gary Price - sent in a photo. Can we have a look at this. He's actually had the front of his car -

TOYAH: Oh God, yes! He turned up at Hammersmith Odeon

SALLY: He painted (the bonnet) with you Toyah. I think that's incredible, don't you?

TOYAH: He's mad. He's a great painter, though

SALLY: So talking of a fan like that - it must be quite impossible for you to go out anywhere and not be mobbed, looking the way that you do. It's not as if you can slope around -

It's usually parents that mob me. “Oh, you're Toyah arent you? My little daughter wants your autograph” and the daughter is nowhere to be seen. It's wonderful. I really enjoy it

Anyone who's watching who lives on my road - the doorbell is disconnected (blows a raspberry to the camera). That's the main problem, the doorbell where I live. But we disconnect it

SALLY: Do you ever try and disguise yourself so you can slope out and do anything?

Yeah, I wear a wig sometimes

SALLY: You do? Does it work? Or do people still find you?

TOYAH: No, they go “oh, you've got a wig on?” and then they get close and “oh, you're Toyah, aren't you?!”

SALLY: It creates even more attention?

TOYAH: Put it this way, it's very flattering. I really don't mind

SALLY: What about visiting other countries?

We go away to Europe in November. We'll be back for Christmas with a special mini tour where we end up, on the 23rd of December, doing a charity show for under 16's at Drury Lane theatre

Then on 24th we're doing a live show which is televised nationwide by the Beep (the BBC) on the night (below). So if anyone can't get tickets that hopefully makes up for it

SALLY: So you're doing a special show for under 16's. You're doing this earlier in the day, so the under 16's can come?

TOYAH: Yes, it will be around six o'clock

SALLY: That's a good idea

TOYAH: It's to practice the set and everything

SALLY: So many kids -

TOYAH: They don't get in

SALLY: They can't go when it's at eight o'clock at night. I know you brought along the personal garment

TOYAH: (puts on a funny accent) Yeah, it was in the video but I don't think you actually see it. It's a sort of studded thing that you wear around your neck. I thought some nice little gremlin might want it

SALLY: I'm sure they would. Have you had a chance to think of a question? I know I should have asked you this about an hour ago

TOYAH: Oh, my God! (laughs)

SALLY: Can we quickly rustle up a question

What's my middle name?

SALLY: What's Toyah's middle name to win this. Entries to our usual address. Tiswas, ATV Land, Birmingham B1 2JP

Watch the interview HERE

Watch Toyah singing "I'm A Misery" and getting hit with cream pies during the same show HERE


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