
TOYAH: Fabulously taut, eh?
MARCUS: The fabulousty taut Toyah Willcox and I don't mean your education (Toyah laughs) You look fantastic!
TOYAH: Thank you very much. I should hope after that amount of money
MARCUS: How much did it cost?
TOYAH: 11,000 Euros. So at the point of exchange, it was about £7500
MARCUS: Money well spent!
TOYAH: I think so
MARCUS: Yeah. And you've written a book which is moving and scary and at points a sickening account. It's very graphic about exactly what you went through
TOYAH: I hope to put people off as much as tell people what goes on. There's some women you will never stop having it done like me, but I hope that the book actually puts the weaklings off. It takes a bit of kind of mettle to go through with it
MARCUS: There are some who would say it takes more mettle not to change how you look
TOYAH: Bollocks! (the audience laughs)
MARCUS: Fair enough. Why bollocks?
TOYAH: Because I think sometimes women – and I’m talking from a woman's point of view - and I know men to this ... look at Dale Winton, obviously
MARCUS: Not for too long (the audience laughs) Those lights bouncing off that brighter colour, you can actually damage the retina

TOYAH: Am I boring you shitless? (Toyah and the audience laugh)
MARCUS: No, not at all! In all honesty I'm trying to be delicate or I had intended to be delicate but you're talking in a far more -
TOYAH: Don’t be delicate because you're a sweetheart!
MARCUS: OK, can I feel behind your ear?
TOYAH: (moves towards Marcus) If I can sit on your knee
MARCUS: Oh my good God! (feels behind Toyah’s ear) There’s almost nothing there!
TOYAH: See! It’s good work!
MARCUS: I'm not going to grab it and pull
TOYAH: Oh, by the way, I've had my arse done. Could you feel that?
MARCUS: Yes, I could (the audience laughs) And I want to say for the record, I'm not bored now! (Toyah and the audience laugh) And if Thatcher was here he (sic) could measure things. There have been some real horror pictures, haven't there? Let's have a look at that (a photo of Jocelyn Wildenstein)
TOYAH: I have to tell you about Jocelyn Wildenstein. She's one of the richest women in America and this is body dysmorphic disorder. This is when you don't see the truth of who are
MARCUS: Yeah, you see, that's the thing. I think if you look at lots of the elements of her mashed face, they look OK individually. It's just when you put it all together you just think oh, my God!
TOYAH: It's like Burt Reynolds and Julian Clary married together. I mean, it really is quite bizarre!
MARCUS: It is a hideous mess. Let’s have a look at the next one. Joan Rivers
TOYAH: Sorry, when I'm 73 I want to look like that woman

TOYAH: Yeah, there's about three facelifts there. That's my guess
MARCUS: Looks like she's got a beard coming up eventually (the audience laughs) It’s an oldie but a goodie. There are women, I think, who were very critical. I mean, Melanie Phillips who writes in The Daily Mail absolutely tore a strip off Anne Robinson when she had her face done
TOYAH: And do you think Anne cares?
MARCUS: I know that she does. It didn't hurt her but she was angry and she wanted to get back at Melanie
TOYAH: I think if anyone gets back at anyone it’s going to be Anne because she's rich and she's powerful. But I do think a time comes when you do stand up and go "see, Melanie's kind of had a go at me, that's fantastic! I’ve arrived!"
MARCUS: Has Melanie Phillips got a point at some level that unless women are allowed to grow old on screen - because you're someone who's who's very much in the public eye ... If women aren't seen to be growing older it will be impossible for them ever to grow older
TOYAH: OK, I totally agree women must be allowed to grow old on screen and it's been an actress's dilemma for since the TV's been going but from the age of 35 to about 50 women weren't finding jobs. Caroline Quentin has broken that mould and parts are being written for her
But the biggest problem that I predict is that it's going to become about those who have the money to have the really good work and those who don't have the money to have any work at all. And it's going to be like them and and us so a huge social divide
MARCUS: I think it is enormously difficult to have a career particularly in presenting if you're a woman of advancing years. I make absolutely no judgement. I've thought about surgery myself. I've got quite a long, narrow face, and I'd quite like it shortened and made more round (Toyah laughs)
Whether I shall ever actually have that done I don't know. It would mean removing bone from here to here. Quite dramatic! But nonetheless, I think your surgery has made you look sensational. And I'd like to thank you very much indeed for joining me this evening. Toyah Willcox!
TOYAH: Thank you!
You can listen to the interview HERE
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