

SONG: "I Want To Be Free"

TOYAH: Gosh! I haven't heard that in a long time!

TIMMY MALLET: That's a nice way to start off - “I Want To Be Free” and it's Toyah, welcome!

TOYAH: Hello! How are you?

TIMMY: I'm very well! You're very busy?

TOYAH: Very busy!

TIMMY: I'm so glad you could find the time to join us this evening. “I Want To Be Free” ... when was the last time you heard that? Must've been a while ago?

TOYAH: Well, the last time I heard it was when we played it live which was last Christmas. To be very honest I can't even remember the words. I had it in my head on the way up because I was thinking about the video of it and I couldn't remember the words. I was getting really frustrated ...

TIMMY: Do you listen to many of your own records?

TOYAH: No. People within the music industry destroy my pleasure of music.  Critics and reporters I think destroy the entertainment value of music and destroy the purity of new bands

TIMMY: How do they do that?

TOYAH: As far as I'm concerned anyone who writes for a music paper is either a failed musician or frustrated in some way or another and they're just so bitter. You could either ignore music papers completely, which isn't the right way to go about it, because they are a necessary form of communication

Or you can just listen to bands when they are new and that's what I tend to do. I write by my own instincts. I am inspired by very new music. In fact the best new music comes from Manchester or Liverpool I feel

I think once a band has had a hit or been in the recording studio they've lost their virginity. They've lost that little bit of sparkle because reality starts to hit them. As far as I'm concerned there is no reality. You can live how you want to as long as you're not harming anybody. But within our social structure things get tainted

TIMMY: Does it upset you when people say “urgh, didn't like that last record by Toyah”?

TOYAH: No, it doesn't upset me because I now see it as one person's opinion. In the beginning it used to knock me flat. It used to be so hurtful. Especially the bitchiness. I would just be speechless that someone I'd never even met would knock someone -

(interrupts) Could say so many horrible things?

TOYAH: Yeah ... But now everyone's entitled to their opinion. I have a public image which isn't the real me. The dailies call me that wild punk thing. It's not necessarily true

I'm a very moody person and I change from day to day so people have to be able to say what they want to say. I believe in free speech, but I prefer things when they are pure and new like children

TIMMY: You're of course a talented lady because you do a lot of different things apart from singing just pop records, don't you?

TOYAH: Yeah. I sometimes sing rock records -

TIMMY: Yeah -

TOYAH: (laughs) Sorry. Well, I took time off from the music industry for the past nine months just to do some acting because I hadn't done any real acting since “The Tempest” and that was over 3 years ago. I did the “Tales Of The Unexpected” but that was a misadventure really. That was too commercial and I'm much better at acting -

TIMMY: (interrupts) What was the story - “Blue Lavender”, wasn't it?

TOYAH: (laughs) No! It was “Blue Marigold”! That sounded like a toilet cleaner!

TIMMY: I got the blue bit right …

TOYAH: (laughs) It was about a model who loses her beauty so the only thing they had to do with me was to try to create beauty. It was set in the 60s. It was just a little difficult because I'm not a tall person. I didn't look like a model once. It just wasn't weird enough for me. I'm better at doing weirder things really and things that are a real challenge

TIMMY: So in your break from music business what has been your big challenge?

TOYAH: “Trafford Tanzi”, the play about wresting (below) The biggest challenge there was just to walk in public in that costume. I found it really hard. I hate my physique


TOYAH: I have to fight myself the whole time. The reason I do things is to fight myself and my instincts. It's very good for you to break down barriers that you have like jealous possessiveness. I go all out to break those barriers because I naturally am a very possessive and competitive horrible little person

Deep down I try to break those barriers down the whole time. The best thing about “Trafford Tanzi” is it got me physically fit and it put me front of people every day so I had to communicate. I'm a terrible loner and I don't communicate very well sometimes …

(interrupts) You're doing well tonight …

TOYAH: Well, shove me in front of a camera or a microphone and I'm instantly turned on. I'm in a way slightly conditioned. I love all this but put me it front of a human being face to face on the street and I can't always talk. I'm so involved with my career and in my fantasy worlds that when I come down to a human relationship … I really have to think about it

I was doing the theatre every night for 5 months and meeting kids outside the stage door. A lot of them were there every night, it was unbelievable. I formed relationships with people and it was a wonderful experience for me. I got over a lot of nerves but I actually can't go shopping because I can't face walking into shops

TIMMY: They say “is that her, is that her?!"

TOYAH: Yeah ... But that's pathetic on my part really. During "Tanzi" I was making contact with real people for the first time. People who haven't been tainted by the music industry, people who were very pure and just enjoying life and it did me a world of good

Not only just going on stage and having to learn comedy, which is sometimes the hardest way to act but just by having face to face conversations with people

TIMMY: You said they were waiting outside every night?

TOYAH: Oh, they were wonderful!

TIMMY: Did they just come and tell you about what they'd been up to today?

TOYAH: Yeah. I was slowly getting more tired as the play progressed as I was making a new album at the same time so they were about 14 hour days. I'd go home and get at least 7 hours sleep so I was slowly becoming mentally drained. I'd get to the theatre and there was this very refreshing bunch of kids outside

I mean faces change but there were a lot of faces that were there every night and they were so refreshing … Oh God, they were wonderful! I quite miss them now. They call themselves the Angels and Demons (below) after the song “Angels & Demons” which I wrote

They used to steal plants for me. I love plants so much and these kids used to spend all their money coming down to the theatre and they'd just hang about the stage door. I'd come out during the interval of the play, after the play and before the play and talk to them because there's no way I could just stay in that building and ignore them. They were there for 5 months every night

They were actually very likeable people. I'd see them when I arrived at the theatre and I'd see them running down the street with a tree or a bush in their hands that they had just stolen for me. They'd admit to stealing them and then they got into this syndrome of having to nick cardboard cutouts where they saw them like of Superman outside a cinema. I'd see them running down the street with the cardboard in their hands they'd nicked for me! It's wonderful!

What do you do with all this stuff?

The cardboard cut-outs went to the recording studio and they're littering the studio down at Wardour Street. The plants are in my house. They used to nick everything they could get their hands on and it was never from individuals. If there was anything left on the street they'd nick it. They used to follow me from the theatre to the recording studio after the show

I'd get in the car and there'd be a convoy of fans behind me. I didn't mind because they all knew where I was going and privacy was over with. For that 5 months they knew where I was so I just let them follow me. This convoy would follow me to the recording studio but I was always quite straight with them. I could never spend much time with them when I was at the recording studio because I had to make the album

I'd leave the recording studio about 5 in the morning to find that they'd made all these effigies of me in polythene that they got out of rubbish bins. There would be effigies hanging from buildings down the road of ankh, which is the cross I wear, and “hello Toyah how are you”. The whole road where the recording studio is was just littered with graffiti to do with me

You have some very generous fans, don't you?

TOYAH: Oh God, my birthday was unbelievable! I got up on my birthday after just having met Roger Daltrey the night before, which just blew my mind because he's a lovely, lovely man. We were thinking of acting together but I can't really say what it's going to be ...

TIMMY: Oh, c'mon!

TOYAH: No, you've got enough exclusives on this one, mate. Anyway, I got up and I thought nothing can really live up to meeting Roger Daltrey. I was over the moon. And what had arrived at the theatre the night before the night I met Daltrey was a diamond

TIMMY: What?!

TOYAH: A raw diamond valued at £300. I actually went and had it valued. Aren't I wicked? It was worth £300

TIMMY: Who's it from?

TOYAH: It was anonymous. The guy who sent it also sent me a bottle of champagne every week I was at the theatre. It was wonderful. I did find out who the guy was because as soon as he came in one of the usherettes would come and tell me. I used to spy on him. He was always in tartan and he looked like a football supporter

TIMMY: What other kinds of things do you get?

TOYAH: Lots of books, beautiful books. First editions, very rare prints

Do you ask for these things?

TOYAH: I suggest these things. I don't ask for them because I really don't think anyone should spend that amount of money on me. They don't know me

TIMMY: So what do you want now, Toyah?

TOYAH: Oh! David Bowie (They both laugh) I've had beautiful crystal cut glasses, goblets to drink out of. I've kitchen full of booze, a room full of chocolates

TIMMY: So we're all coming back to your place after the show?

TOYAH: Oh, wonderful ... On my birthday a removal van pulled up from the record company full of presents. There were plants, clothes, wonderful things

TIMMY: Extraordinary! This is Toyah on Piccadilly Radio tonight. Next up we're talking about videos. But first let's hear “Be Proud, Be Loud, Be Heard”

SONG “Be Proud, Be Loud (Be Heard)”

TOYAH: That was my last single which I think was released around October but it only went to no 30. That's because we didn't make a video for it or anything like that ... but we soon changed that. The next one hasn't half got a video - it really is a video and a half!

TIMMY: (after a break) It's Toyah and Timmy on Piccadilly Radio. We've been talking about the fans and about “Trafford Tanzi” but you've been very busy this week as well. You zip off to France on Saturday?


TIMMY: You've been making a video for the new single?

TOYAH: Yes, the new single is called “Rebel Run” and -

TIMMY: And we played it first on Piccadilly Radio on Tuesday night -

TOYAH: Oh, good on you!

TIMMY: Yeah!

TOYAH: I feel that with me I can express myself through a video. I think it's a wonderful media because you've got a little feature film in 3 minutes. A lot of of bands use it because they can't be everywhere at once. As far as I'm concerned it's where I can gel all my ideas together. With this particular one the lyrics are quite heavy and quite militant …

I didn't want to do the obvious. I didn't want a political video, which is what everyone was suggesting ... sort of rebels running around blowing up places. I think we've got enough of that in this day and age so we thought we'd set it around “Tron” and the imagery of “Tron”, the Walt Disney movie

TIMMY: And those computer games?

TOYAH: Yeah, so the "Rebel Run" is not like “run away, rebel! Go on, bugger off!”. It's an obstacle course, the “Rebel Run”

A computer game -

TOYAH: Yeah, which is quite stark. We've tried to style it around Vogue, the way Vogue photographs things. The colour is very pure and intense so we set it all in a blackout. All you really see is the movement of red and black, which are the colours of anarchy anyway. So you've got your little hint in there

I'm competing with 4 other characters which are 4 very beautiful black girls. They are all done up in grey with fencing helmets on and they are professional skaters whereas I'm not so I just wiggled about

We had this lovely perspex armour made and I'm just skating about going through effects. After “Trafford Tanzi” I thought I'd like to take up gymnastics so we put some of that into it so it's me hurtling through the air -

TIMMY: It sounds a bit dangerous ...

TOYAH: It's dangerous if you don't have a trainer with you. You can't do gymnastics on your own. The danger in that field is breaking your back because you have to have someone there to catch you just in case you slip or fall

There has to be a guiding hand to make sure you don't hit your skull and you don't snap your back. I was training in a foam pit at an Olympic gym the other week. The pit was 2 meters deep and I still managed to almost break my back

TIMMY: I hope they pay you danger money for this …

TOYAH: Oh, no ... I've done all this out of my own free will. I want to do it because I believe as you get older, which inevitably happens, you shouldn't slow down. You should take on more challenges

TIMMY: Don't you ever want to have a stunt woman?

TOYAH: No way, hah! Stuff that!

TIMMY: Good, I'm glad to hear you do all your own -

TOYAH: Oh, definitely. I even get annoyed when people try to put wigs on me because I want my own hair. I think the more you can be you the better because it is a purer image. The only time I'd ever use a stunt person is if I ever had to have a spider near me. I can't stay in a room with a spider …

I've often thought if I ever do a film or something with insects in I couldn't do it. That's one thing I can't get over. I really freak out! I start jumping up and down and screaming

TIMMY: What about reptiles?

TOYAH: Oh, I love them. I love all animals except those crawly things …

TIMMY: You haven't finished the video yet? Straight after this you're zipping off home again?

TOYAH: Yes, tomorrow we've got to finish off the gymnastics shots. We're doing the roller skating, which will be ever such a giggle because I'm not a good skater. And then I've got just about enough time to pack and I'm off to France for 6 weeks

Isn't it unusual to do 2 days of video making? I mean most of them are done in sort of half a day, aren't they?

TOYAH: The “I Want To Be Free” video was knocked off in 6 hours, which is very good but some people spend a week on a video. It does depend on the budget but it's nice to have 2 days. We had to split the 2 days up because I've been doing a lot of TV this week and of course I wanted to fit you in

TIMMY: Absolutely, good. This is the only radio interview you're in fact doing?

TOYAH: Yes, you've got a special here. Yes, 2 days to make it and I'd say it will take about a week to edit it

TIMMY: So we'll see it fairly soon?


TIMMY: Looking forward to it very much. Now then - you're off, as you say, on Saturday?


TIMMY: To France. Whereabouts?

TOYAH: To the Dordogne, I've got a chateau. I don't own it

TIMMY: A what? A chateau! Toyah Towers -

TOYAH: Yes, but I hopefully will be popping back to do some TV specials


TOYAH: I won't be sort of exiled -

TIMMY: So what are you doing over there?

TOYAH: Making a film for Granada

TIMMY: Tell me about it?

TOYAH: Granada TV are making this film. It's by John Fowles called “The Ebony Tower”. He did the “French Lieutenant’s Woman”. It's imaginary and it's about the relationship between 4 people. I'm playing an art student in it

It's a very adult part. I wouldn't suggest anyone under the age of nine should watch it really. It's really the first grown up role I've done. My character is called “Freak” and she's absolutely obnoxious! She's a terrible stirrer and I can't wait to play it. She's really evil!

TIMMY: Is she worse than Joan Collins in "Dynasty"?

TOYAH: Oh yes! It's that sort of part but whereas Joan Collins, in all due respect, is a mature woman, the “Freak” is an art student and isn't mature and is a bit James Deany. It's a very cult part, I feel. Sir Lawrence Olivier (below with Toyah) is playing the lead

TIMMY: That must amazing to work with such a well known (actor)

TOYAH: He's wonderful. I can't get over how gorgeous he is. I love old people and he is senior in his years

What's he like?

TOYAH: Oh, he's like my dad. My knees melt whenever I see him because I just want to cuddle him. I get like that. He's terribly funny and you just understand everything he's on about and his acting is just spot on. I find that I'm in awe of him the whole time. But he's a lovely, lovely man and very ambitious still. Suffers from nerves, which intrigues me ...

TIMMY: Still? Really?

TOYAH: Yes. He gets all wound up and nervous

TIMMY: Isn't that refreshing to hear?

TOYAH: It's very special, I think. It's very special that you can be 50 years into your career and still suffer from nerves. It shows that he still cares

TIMMY: Now, let's hear “Rebel Run”

SONG “Rebel Run”

TIMMY: Toyah and “Rebel Run”. She's my special guest here on Piccadilly Radio. That's the latest single?


TIMMY: Brand new one you wrote yourself?

TOYAH: Yeah, I wrote it with keyboard player Simon Darlow, who appears on the whole album. The new album is called “Love Is The Law” -

TIMMY: When is it going to be in the shops?

TOYAH: Around October. We haven't got the release date yet, but don't worry - all that will be announced very soon. The reason I called it “Love Is The Law” is for the first time I've written an album based around human emotions rather than alien dark emotions I've felt a lot. I've had a lot of positive relationships and it's inspired my lyric writing a lot

I came to the conclusion that you can love hundreds of people. I know it's a hippy thing to say but you can and that's what the theme of the album is. It's about love. It's still got its dark sides though, still got its paranoia

TIMMY: Is it a different Toyah?

TOYAH: It's a more mature Toyah, it's more open Toyah. Last year I went through a lot of political hell. Sorting out management, court room battles. Every band goes through it at some point or another … I just sat and thought this lot can really go to hell because all I care about is my audience

So now I've stopped thinking about what the industry think about me. All I care about are the kids who give their time and give enough of their attention to write to me and things like that. Not the people in the court … they (the kids) haven't ripped me off

TIMMY: That's right

TOYAH: I think this is the first album that I can really say is for my fans!

TIMMY: And this is the first one that's been made for America?

TOYAH: Yeah, this is going to be the first one in America

TIMMY: Why have you not done anything there before?

TOYAH: We were supposed to 2 years ago but we had a lot of management problems which took a year to sort out. It literally halted us for last year. We had to stay in England

Are you nervous about what the Americans are going to think of Toyah?

TOYAH: I have no preconceptions whatsoever. I can take it or leave it

TIMMY: Are you nervous?

TOYAH: Yeah, in a way. Deep down I think psychologically and ego wise I care but England is the centre of the music as far as I'm concerned. I think it's got the best and the newest talent and I'm very happy to survive here. Whereas with Europe ... I can take or leave Europe

I'm sounding ever so fascist and nationalised here but the attitudes change so desperately when you get into Europe. They're so different, so chauvinist (laughs) and they don't seem to like English people much but I can take it or leave it

I've got to the stage in my life that as long as nothing halts me physically I can take it or leave it. What happens to me happens because I've mentally strengthened up. It's not so much about having the big hit singles anymore. It's having the audience that wants to hear you and it's having people to perform to and to work to

TIMMY: What about the band that you work with?

TOYAH: They are very free. They're free to go and do what they want to do so we're not a band legally. The thing is I want to act, I want to spread my wings and fly away when I feel the need for new inspiration so why on earth should I tie them down? Like Phil Spalding, the bass player, he played with Mike Oldfield recently and it did him a lot of good emotionally. It refreshed him a lot and I feel the same with every member of my band

Simon Darlow, the keyboard player will come on tour with us but at the same time he's working on his solo career. It's been necessary to tell them to put themselves first and only work with me if they want to work with me

TIMMY: Do you throw wobblers?

TOYAH: No! I go away on my own and throw a wobbler. I don't sulk in front of people. Not unless they do something dreadful to me. Then I won't let them get away with it. I wouldn't say I'm difficult to work with but perhaps I'm difficult to keep up with because I do keep going the whole time. I don't consider that other people might want to rest sometimes …

TIMMY: What about when you make your videos because you're determined to get your own ideas across?

TOYAH: Oh, I'm not determined. I think whenever you're working on something new ... to be paid for it - and I don't mean money, I mean I like to be paid in inspiration so every time I work I like to come away inspired to do something else. So I need new people around me for videos so the director is very important and I don't always use the same director

TIMMY: You've used Godley & Creme haven't you, for “Thunder In The Mountains”?

TOYAH: I love Godley & Creme. They're my favourites. I used David Mallet who makes Bowie's videos

Good name that, isn't it?

TOYAH: Very good. They videos I'm doing now I'm using a guy called Keith McMillan who is a very big name. He does all McCartney's videos. It's quite an experiment for me because his videos are extremely commercial and I like my videos to be a little strange

We sat down together, it took a week of discussion to iron out the cliché’s. We went into the studio for the first time yesterday and I've got to say it was magic. It was wonderful. My worries were over … I was very worried about it

TIMMY: Are we going to see "Toyah The Video Album" like Duran Duran did last year?

TOYAH: Yeah, I think one day you definitely will. I can't say when, that's up to the record company. They own the videos and the songs but it's up to the public demand as well. I'd like a video album out

TIMMY: So ask for a video album, please!

TOYAH: Yeah. We're fighting for one but we've got to wait for the right time really

TIMMY: When will be the right time? What does it depend on?

TOYAH: When I've made enough videos because I haven't made a video for every single yet. Every time I write a song I have the imagery for it in my head. That's where the lyrics come from. I get the images first

TIMMY: How do you find the time to write? You've been so busy doing acting?

TOYAH: I write in cars. I have to write in cars. That's where all my inspirations gel. When I'm driving along … I don' know what it is and I don't know why but I just disappear into another world

TIMMY: Is this when you're actually driving?

TOYAH: Oh no, I can't drive …

TIMMY: I was going to say!

TOYAH: I'm always driven. As soon as I get in the car I go into my head and I can think in my head how my eyes see in real life

TIMMY: Do you get in the car and switch off normal conversation?

TOYAH: I just turn off completely

TIMMY: So in fact you're an awful passenger to have …

TOYAH: Well, if you're talker, yes, but I always sit in the back seat so I can be left out of conversations. I do it deliberately and I always have a pad and a pen on my knee so I can write

TIMMY: Will you be writing when you're going home tonight?

TOYAH: Oh, yes. I wrote on my way here

TIMMY: Did you?

Why am I nodding when we're on the radio!?

TIMMY: Well, I don't know! Now, let's play another song. This is actually for your fans. Why do you want to play this one?



TOYAH: Because it's the anthem of my fans. I think this is not so much a rock song ... it's the energy that it gives

TIMMY: And why do you like this version?

TOYAH: Because it's got the audience in it


TOYAH: That was “IEYA” taken from the live album “Warrior Rock”, which was recorded at Hammersmith Odeon. That was a very special tour for us because everything worked on it. The audiences were wonderful, the band was sounding good. We just really enjoyed it. It was quite a big tour for us and to end it with 4 nights at Hammersmith was very very nice

TIMMY: It's Toyah on Piccadilly Radio. That must be a dream come true? Having audiences participating in everything you do?

TOYAH: It's wonderful. You just can't do without your audience being there. They feed you an energy. Nothing else can give you that feeling. They're very very special. You were saying before we started that you have kids that are listening that perhaps want to get into the industry?


TOYAH: They want their dreams to come true. The way you can ever get anything is by thinking positively and this is much easier to say than to put into practise to work. You've got to work so hard and never give up and you've always got to be there. Within this industry you've got to be everywhere at once

You've got to have your face seen so people don't forget you. They can't forget you because everyone else is after your job. Keep working hard and thinking positively. And above all it doesn't matter what anyone says about you ... as long as you believe in yourself that's all that matters

I'd say I've got anywhere because I've worked really hard. I've worked long hours, I've kept my downfalls to myself, I've kept my depressions to myself. Even when things aren't working out I'd never take it out on anyone else. You really need friends. You really need people who support you. You've got to make an all out effort to get to know people but never ever sell yourself or exploit yourself

With the acting industry girls are so ready to sell themselves and exploit themselves just for a little bit of fame. You must never do that. You must always keep your self-respect. You must always make sure people know what you are saying

It's a weird thing to say but dialect is very important so that people can understand the words coming out of your mouth. I get a lot of kids come up to me and you can't understand what they are saying. They're speaking too quickly or they're nervous or they don't understand or they've never heard themselves so they don't realise they're not pronouncing things right. That's really important. And above all whenever things go wrong you've got to be able to laugh. You've got to have a sense of humour

What do you do when everything goes wrong?

TOYAH: When things go wrong all you can do is laugh …

TIMMY: Have you ever had any disasters on stage performing, like during “Trafford Tanzi” or ...    

TOYAH: I've been through every disaster there can be. Having food poisoning on stage and being sewn into my costume. You're just dying and your stomach is killing you and you've just got to go to the loo. I actually had to let a show go rapidly downhill ... I think it was at Aylesbury

I was in such agonising stomach cramps I couldn't move and all I could hear was Joel laughing at me because Joel knew the pain I was in. He knew that I just wanted to run to the loo and he knew I couldn't because I was sewn into my costume

The whole band was laughing. Joel and I have a very close relationship on stage because we run the show. We don't have a written set list, the whole time we choose as we go along because the show depends on how the audience is reacting to you. So Joel and I have a lot of contact and all I could hear through this one show was “ha ha ha” and I could've killed him!

Other disasters ... you get mobbed on stage and at one show we had all the microphones nicked. I've never seen so many people on stage and every mike went and I had to scream across the hall “can we have our microphones back because we can't do the show!” and we got them back

Another show the power was turned off by the police for some reason and there was a generator there but only the guitars were plugged into it so you could hear the guitars but not me. I screamed through Joel's guitar and his pickups in the guitar picked my voice up and we carried on with the show. But those things happening make the show really exciting unless you're in so much pain you can't do the show

These sort of little electrical faults, acts of God are just wonderful. You can't ensure yourself against acts of God because things like that happen through mother nature

TIMMY: Like?

TOYAH: Like lightning hitting a power station or the power turning off. That is known as an act of God within the industry

TIMMY: What about your own mistakes? When you have made a mistake and you know it?

TOYAH: I've often forgotten words

TIMMY: No, I mean disasters in whatever it is you're supposed to be dealing with?

TOYAH: The only ones I can think of are physical ones like falling off stage. I fell of stage once and broke an ankle but I'm such a proud person I didn't show the pain. I carried on. I just hopped about. I had to carry on the whole tour with a broken ankle. I wore these very thick boots so I could fit the plaster in

But mistakes with the imagery like fashions, deciding on an outfit to wear ... It's quite important. The outfits really have a lot of influence over the music but sometimes you make mistakes and you've just got to forget about them

Do you find fashion important?

TOYAH: Not important. It's an interpretation but I make mistakes like getting deadly drunk and being in punch-ups. The last real punch-up was when I was here at the Sand Piper down the road

TIMMY: Really?

TOYAH: A member of another band called me a slag and I went for him and it was like a saloon! It was a Western punch-up

TIMMY: Did you win?

TOYAH: Yes, you bet! I had four roadies holding me down. You've got to let rip like that sometimes. You've got to stand up for yourself because one thing I'm not is a slag. The guy didn't know me. He is in a very well known heavy punk band and I'm a big commercial artist so of course it's like me laughing at the Osmonds. That was what he was doing to me. But what he didn't realise is that I'm a very basic person and if someone wants a punch-up they'll get it

TIMMY: And on that note …

TOYAH: That sounds really horrible but I think there comes a time when you have to stick up for yourself in a very strong way. It's like number 1 - never being bullied

TIMMY: Alright, on that note we'll leave it. Toyah, good luck with the album and best of luck with the filming of course, which starts this weekend!

TOYAH: Thanks, yes!

TIMMY: Are you all packed?


TIMMY: So tonight on the way home not only will you be writing the next hit single -

TOYAH: I'll be doing a list of packing!

TIMMY: Don't forget your toothbrush!

TOYAH: It's quite scary really because I've never been abroad for that long so I don't know what to do …

TIMMY: Do you speak any French?

TOYAH: No! Hah! None at all

TIMMY: None?!

TOYAH: None at all. I'm hoping to do a lot of writing over there

TIMMY: In French or in English?

TOYAH: In pigeon English

TIMMY: Toyah, best of luck!

TOYAH: Thank you very much

TIMMY: See you again soon, I hope!

TOYAH: Yes, definitely

* * *

Transcribed from the radio interview by Simon of Toyah Magazine. Originally published over 4 issues – n:o 17 (November 1983) – 20 (February 1984)

Read more about Toyah and the fans in September 1983 here - written by Chris Limb, the author of "I Was A Teenage Toyah Fan"

Watch Toyah's scenes in "The Ebony Tower" here

Watch "The Ebony Tower" in full here

Watch a "Get Set" Toyah as "Trafford Tanzi" interview here


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